S. Meera IMF and Fund Distributor Private Limited.

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Protect Your Health, Grow Your Wealth with Smeera's Unit Linked Health Plan

Smeera’s Unit Linked Health Plan offers a unique combination of health coverage and investment opportunities for a secure future.

What is Unit Linked Health Plan?

Unit Linked Health Plan (ULHP) is a type of insurance policy that combines the features of both health insurance and investment. In a ULHP, a portion of the premium paid is used to provide health coverage while the rest is invested in market-linked funds. The policyholder can choose to invest in different funds and the returns from the investments can be used to pay for medical expenses. The policyholder also has the option to partially or fully withdraw the investment component for other needs.


  • Provides both health insurance coverage and investment benefits, allowing Policyholders to protect their health as well as grow their wealth.
  • Can choose to invest in different funds and switch between them as per their preference and market conditions.
  • The investment component of ULHP is linked to market-linked funds, offering the potential for higher returns over time.
  • Offer the option of cashless treatment at network hospitals, reducing the financial burden during a medical emergency.
  • Policyholders can surrender the ULHP policy after a certain period and receive the surrender value, which is the investment component plus the accumulated bonuses.

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