S. Meera IMF and Fund Distributor Private Limited.

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Stay Protected, Stay Secure with Smeera's Mediclaim Insurance

Safeguard Your Health and Your Wallet during those adverse situations with Smeera’s Mediclaim Insurance.

What is Mediclaim Insurance?

Mediclaim insurance is a type of health insurance that provides financial coverage for medical expenses incurred due to illnesses, accidents, surgeries, and other medical procedures. The policyholder pays a premium to the insurance company, and in return, the insurance company pays for the medical expenses as per the terms of the policy. The aim of mediclaim insurance is to help policyholders manage their health expenses and provide financial stability in case of medical emergencies. It can be purchased as an individual or a family floater policy, and it covers hospitalization, day-care treatments, pre and post-hospitalization expenses, among others.


  • Provides financial security in case of medical emergencies, reducing the burden of paying for expensive medical bills.
  • Covers a wide range of illnesses, including pre-existing medical conditions, ensuring comprehensive protection for the policyholder.
  • Offers cashless treatment at network hospitals, eliminating the need for policyholders to pay for medical expenses upfront.
  • Policyholders can easily switch insurance providers or renew their policies, making mediclaim insurance a flexible and convenient option.
  • It can be taken as a family floater policy, providing coverage for the entire family.

  • Cost of room rent, nursing expenses, doctor's fees, and other hospitalization expenses.
  • Medical expenses incurred before and after hospitalization.
  • Medical procedures that do not require hospitalization but are covered under the policy.
  • Cost of medical tests required for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Cost of treatment for specified critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, and others.

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